Resurrection Baptist Church, located at 5401 Lansdowne Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is pastored by Reverend Robert James McFadden.
As pastor of the Resurrection Baptist Church,I invite you to join us in our worship services. We are a growing church dedicated to spreading the word of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and exalting His name through preaching and teaching; praying and praising; and caring and sharing. We invite you to join us each Sunday as we lift up the sweetest name we know… JESUS.
We are engaged in a comprehensive ministry for our Lord and our congregation consists of persons from every strata of life. We are typically Baptist Christians, embracing those fundamental Christian doctrines traditionally proclaimed by Baptists. We believe in Authority of the Scriptures, that God is One, expressing Himself in three distinct forms, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that Salvation is found in Jesus Christ alone, and after accepting Him as your personal Savior, one must be baptized in water by immersion. We believe in a literal Heaven and Hell. You are welcome to share these and other doctrines with us.
We promote the family spirit at Resurrection Baptist Church, knowing that we should love one another as Christ loved us.
Once again, know that you are welcome, and remember God is expecting that we be His stewards and our report must be made to Him in the end.
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you will be inspired by our works as we continue to seek Kingdom building.
For more information, please call or email us at:
PHONE: 215.473.9427 or 215.473.5017
FAX: 215.878.9170
E-mail: info@rbc5401.org
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