1610 N. 54TH Street
Philadelphia, PA 19131
215-473-9427 – 215-473-5017

The Jenkins Center is a historical annex building to the Resurrection Baptist Church, erected in 1910 to serve the West Philadelphia community. Because the center has a number of long-standing relationships with several community organizations, it has been a significant outreach into the community through its local programs and other social services. Serving the community continues to be the top priority when it comes to usage of the building.

Our weekly mission of serving hot meals and providing emergency food and clothing to homeless individuals from the center has grown to numbers not imagined. The distribution of Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to the elderly and to families in need and our provision of holiday Angel Tree gifts to children of parents who are incarcerated, are annual programs that are relied upon by the community and have been very successful.

The center is used for our After School Program and Summer Camp. Its social hall, multipurpose rooms, classrooms, conference rooms and offices are utilized for varied programs while the children are on-site.

The Center is also used to host health fairs and other informational seminars to help educate the community by keeping them abreast of social opportunities and services. We serve as a site for Hepatitis and HIV testing on a monthly basis and as a site for law enforcement and other organizations to make presentations in an effort to help combat the violence that is so visible within the community.

In addition to these programs, the center is also used for wedding receptions, showers, birthday celebrations, family reunions, funeral repasts, meetings and other special events.

Persons interested in usage of the church, social hall or kitchen should call the numbers listed above for rental fees, availability or additional information. Our consultants will discuss our amenities and help you create an elegant atmosphere for a unique and classy experience.

Our center is in compliance with all safety standards and fire codes as mandated by the City of Philadelphia Licenses and Inspections Division and all insurance regulations.

Please note approval of the use of the facilities and its grounds does not constitute or imply endorsement of a group, their mission or their positions. No activities or advocacy may take place within our facilities or grounds that conflict with the bylaws and practices of our religious affiliations.